SafetyFOCUS 2024


Taking a Total Worker Health® approach can help your organization create and sustain a culture that supports overall worker well-being. Stay informed on this emerging topic and how it impacts the role of safety professionals.

Heeding the Call: Why Safety Is More Than a Job

Friday, February 23 | Beginner | 0.4 CEUs

There is profound purpose and passion in protecting people and driving lasting cultural change. Awaken your mind, refresh your sense of purpose, and rekindle your passion for safety and your calling to save lives. By understanding this deeper meaning, you will be inspired to elevate workplace standards and make a lasting difference in your organization.

Instructor(s): Robert Harding

Learning Objectives:
  • Rediscover your personal ""why"" for embracing safety as a calling
  • Identify effective methods to transform your ""why” into a purposeful and passionate drive for safety
  • Examine tools and strategies that support continuous motivation and resilience in pursuing your goals
  • Discuss strategies for making the greatest impact in your work
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Human Factors for the Safety Professional

Tuesday, February 20 | Beginner | 0.7 CEUs

Transform your understanding of the principles and applications of human factors in promoting workplace safety and reducing errors. Through case studies and real-world examples, explore how these principles can reduce errors and mental workload, prevent incidents, prevent fatigue and improve safety overall. Discuss proven ways to incorporate human factors into system assessment and design to optimize safety outcomes.

Instructor(s): Lawrence Schulze, Ph.D., P.E., CPE and Mark Hansen, P.E., CSP, CPE, CPEA, FASSP

Learning Objectives:
  • Differentiate between human factors and ergonomics to better communicate their respective scopes and applications
  • Explain the fundamental principles of human factors and their relevance in various contexts
  • Recognize the correlation between poor human factors design and workload, stress, fatigue and errors
  • Identify the underlying causes of human errors
  • Analyze and enhance opportunities to minimize errors and reduce workload
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Mental Health, Harassment & Workplace Safety

Thursday, February 22 | Beginner | 0.7 CEUs

In today's world, it is crucial to address bullying and mental health challenges in the workplace. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal a concerning trend: The suicide rate among working-age individuals in the U.S. has increased 40% over the past two decades, with nearly 38,000 lives lost in 2017 alone. Of particular concern is the construction industry, where the rate of death by suicide is four times higher than the general population — 45 per 100,000 individuals — making it the second highest among all workplace industries. Gain insight and guidance to help foster a compassionate and inclusive work environment that values every individual.

Instructor(s): Hector M Escarcega, M.S., CSP, ARM, LCS

Learning Objectives:
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of workplace bullying and its detrimental impact on individuals and organizations
  • Identify early warning signs and risk factors associated with bullying and mental health issues
  • Acquire a toolkit of effective strategies and techniques to create a supportive work culture, fostering positive relationships and reducing the incidence of workplace challenges
  • Build your confidence in advocating for change
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Navigating Work in Safety When Gender Dynamics and Mental Health Collide

Wednesday, February 21 | Beginner | 0.4 CEUs

To improve workplace safety, it is critical to recognize and address workers’ distinct needs and challenges. From the design of personal protective equipment (PPE) to role assignments, work-life balance and organizational expectations, gender dynamics significantly influence an organization‘s safety climate. Studies show that when gender-specific needs are not met and when gender stereotypes and inequities persist, worker mental health and well-being decline, leading to increased workplace safetyconcerns. Develop the knowledge and skills to identify and assess the repercussions on workers' mental health and safety when gender dynamics are entrenched in the workplace. Explore the influence of societal narratives and norms on workplace culture and examine how they shape expectations and reinforce inequities. By discussing these critical issues, you will develop a deeper understanding of the impact of gender dynamics on mental health, well-being and safety in your organization.

Instructor(s): Georgia A. Bryce-Hutchinson, M.S.

Learning Objectives:
  • Identify prevalent gender dynamics that are often amplified in work environments
  • Describe the potential impact of gender inequities and stereotypes on the mental health, well-being and safety of workers
  • Recognize the consequences for both employees and organizations when employees' mental health is compromised due to gender-related factors
  • Discuss the interconnection between employee well-being, productivity and workplace safety when psychological safety and health and gender needs are proactively addressed
  • Identify effective strategies to raise awareness about gender-related concerns in the workplace and promote meaningful change
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Taking Care of You: Mental Health, Well-Being and the Safety Professional

Monday, February 19 | Beginner | 0.4 CEUs

As an OSH professional, you have a multidimensional role in the modern workplace. While demonstrating your technical competence and crisis management skills is critical, it is also essential to prioritize your personal well-being and mental health. Identify strategies you can adopt to follow a balanced-life model and discuss stress management approaches that will enhance your overall success, productivity and fulfillment.

Instructor(s): Georgia A. Bryce-Hutchinson, M.S

Learning Objectives:
  • Discuss the impact of mental health challenges on worker well-being
  • Differentiate between fundamental mental health terminologies and concepts to more effectively communicate about mental well-being and safety
  • Identify potential factors that contribute to mental illness and recognize barriers that may discourage individuals from seeking professional support
  • Assess personal wellness needs using the eight dimensions of wellness approach and develop effective self-care practices
  • Identify available mental health resources and services to help support informed decisions about seeking professional assistance
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SafetyFOCUS offers a deep dive into safety education and training with industry leaders who cover a range of topics that will help you excel at keeping workers in your industry safe.

Founded in 1911, the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) is the world’s oldest professional safety society. ASSP promotes the expertise, leadership and commitment of its members, while providing them with professional development, advocacy and standards development.

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