SafetyFOCUS 2024

Convince Your Boss

Make it easy for your boss to approve your attendance with our persuasive letter template and printable event flyer. Prepare to answer the top two questions asked by leadership:

  • How will attending make you better at your job?

    At SafetyFOCUS 2024, I will learn from global experts who are using proven real-world methods to resolve safety issues. Plus, I’ll be able to collaborate with fellow safety profesionals and gain valuable insights into their experiences. Attending will provide me with the latest industry trends, technical skills, and safety knowledge I need to achieve our safety goals.

  • How will attending create value for your organization?

    SafetyFOCUS is where safety professionals find solutions to their toughest safety challenges. These courses are carefully curated to address the root causes of issues, with multiple solutions based on industry and company size. I’ll come away with best practices and an understanding of current trends to meet our company objectives and support continuous improvement.

Download the following sample letter and flyer that helped past attendees!

Need financial support to attend SafeyFOCUS?

ASSP Foundation offers professional education grants to support individuals seeking professional development. Apply here!

Not sure what to take?

Fill out the form below for a phone consultation with one of our knowledgeable account representatives. We’ll review your transcripts and help you determine what to take to meet your professional development goals.

Testimonials from Safety Professionals

SafetyFOCUS offers a deep dive into safety education and training with industry leaders who cover a range of topics that will help you excel at keeping workers in your industry safe.

Founded in 1911, the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) is the world’s oldest professional safety society. ASSP promotes the expertise, leadership and commitment of its members, while providing them with professional development, advocacy and standards development.

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General Inquiries:
  +1 847 699.2929

Group Sales:
  +1 847 768.3466